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What to expect at First Cumberland



Worship service starts at 10:45 a.m. Sometimes we start a little early warming up our voices with some praise choruses. Services are streamed live to Facebook; you don’t have to have a Facebook account to access these recordings, as well as YouTube. We use a piano and an organ during services, and sing traditional hymns out of a hymn book. At times we also have a small choir assemble — we make beautiful music together!



Our sanctuary is designed by traditional standards, and therefore has meaning attached to the layout and function. The sanctuary communion table is centered beneath a large wooden cross. On one side stands the pulpit with the baptismal font on the other, thus showing the balance of the Word and the Sacrament. The cross and the communion table stand at the end of an uninterrupted aisle: everyone has access to communion with God. 



Sunday School begins at 9:30 in the morning. All are welcome! Right now, there are two adult classes, and if you don’t feel comfortable joining a class, the Pastor will be available to chat over coffee in the library. 



Our facilities are handicapped accessible, and we work hard to make our spaces welcoming and comfortable for all. We have a wheelchair available for those with mobility issues getting from the parking lot to the sanctuary or fellowship space. Don’t hesitate to ask at the front door for assistance for yourself or a loved one. 


The Bible:

Cumberland Presbyterians accept the Bible as the only infallible rule of faith and practice. We believe that the Holy Scriptures comprise the 66 books of the Old and the New Testaments, and that the best rule of interpretation of Scripture is the comparison of Scripture with Scripture. This means that we do not depend upon a particular verse as literal proof of all beliefs and practices, but we do seek the whole teaching and spirit of the Bible as our guide.

The Godhead:

 We believe in the divinity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well as in God the Father; the three persons making up the Trinity.

The Church:

We believe in our denomination as part of the Church of which Christ is the head and all believers in Christ are a part. We believe in cooperation with all who accept Jesus as Christ and Lord.


We believe that every person needs regeneration and must make a personal commitment of his life to Christ in order to be saved. We do not believe that any are saved or lost regardless of their own will. All infants dying in infancy and all persons who have never had the faculty of reason are regenerated and saved through Christ. 

Preservation of believers:

We believe that a person who is truly regenerated will not totally fall away from a state of grace, but will be preserved to everlasting life. Christ is as interested in keeping us saved as he is in saving us. This does not mean that one can "do as he pleases" after he accepts Christ, but that if he is truly regenerated, he will not be satisfied with less than a life which is pleasing to Christ. We do not believe that good works will save our souls, but that good deeds are the result of a regenerated life. 


We believe that every child of God will use every means possible to grow in grace. We do not believe that a state of sinless perfection is possible in this life. Sanctification does not mean sinless perfection, but it does mean a setting apart of life for sacred use, similar to the idea of consecration.  

The Sabbath:

We believe that after the resurrection of Christ the Sabbath was changed to the first day of the week, and that the same principles apply to the keeping of this day as were set forth in the Bible concerning the original Sabbath.


The Sacraments:

We believe that there are just two sacraments of the Church.

  • Water baptism: Water baptism is a sign or symbol of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and a seal of the Covenant of Grace. Since the Holy Spirit is always represented in the Scriptures as being poured out on the person, its renewal and cleansing is best symbolized by pouring or sprinkling water upon the head of the one being baptized. We believe that infant children of Christians should be given the seal of the Covenant just as Hebrew children were in Old Testament days.

  • Lord's Supper: Bread and grape juice are used, which remain after consecration literal bread and juice. Since it's the Lord's supper and not an ordinance of a particular church, all who acknowledge Jesus as Christ and who have faith to understand the significance of this sacrament are invited to partake of it with us, regardless of their denominational affiliation. 

Becoming a member of this church:

Perhaps you have considered becoming a member of this church, but you are not sure what to do. Here are the ways to join our church:

  • Profession of Faith: This is for people who publicly declare Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives.

  • Transfer of Letter: Many sister denominations will send a letter acknowledging your former church standing and we as a denomination will do the same.

  • Reaffirmation of Faith: Some denominations do not send letters to other denominations when a person transfers their membership. In this situation, we do not hinder you from joining our church because of this. 

We extend an invitation each Sunday morning and this is a great place to make your commitment public. Also, persons may choose to come and present themselves for membership at a session meeting. Feel free to ask other questions of any session member. 


If you desire further information about us,click here.


To read more about our faith, beliefs and denomination, click here for our on-line Confession of Faith.


First Cumberland Presbyterian Church invites you to explore other websites and pages within the Denomination.


Worship with us:

Sunday Worship Service: 10:45 A.M.

Dementia Friendly Worship: First Sunday of the Month - 2 p.m.


1424 Stuart Road, Denton, TX 76209

P.O. Box 236, Denton, TX 76202

Phone: 940-387-6811 (leave a message)


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Updated 3/28/2024

Denton First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

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